Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Deficiency Balance Setttlement Offer

For various reasons, many people find themselves faced with a sizable deficiency balance from a car, camper, trailer home etc., loan. In most instances, deficiency balances could be settled for far less than the amount represented by the creditors, or, in many cases, third party collection agencies. The keys to negotiating a successful settlement on a deficiency balance are:
1) The length of time the deficiency balance has been owed. If the deficiency balance has been accruing interest for many years, the creditor will take substantially less money to settle.
2) The payment history on the loan prior to the deficiency balance being created factors into the willingness of the creditor to negotiate a settlement on the balance.
If only one or two payments have been made on the loan prior to repossession, it is unlikely that the creditor will be willing to offer much of a settlement.
3) When a creditor receives a settlement offer, one of the first things the creditor does is analyze what he or she believes to be a reasonable settlement offer and the ability of the debtor to repay the deficiency balance in full. It is necessary to give all the pertinent details as to why the settlement offer is legitimate and is the best that can be done by the debtor.
4)If the deficiency balance that is owed is being handled by a third party, and the third party refuses the settlement offer, be sure to contact the original creditor and offer the same settlement to the creditor. In most cases, the creditor will accept a reasonable settlement.
5) If it is not possible to come up with a lump sum settlement, offer a payment schedule that can be kept. Once again, if the third party refuses the payment schedule, contact the original creditor and explain why that is the only available solution to handling the deficiency balance.
When negotiating any deficiency balance, keep in mind that the creditor is entitled to 100% of the balance and will only accept a settlement if it is financially justified. As soon as a deficiency balance is created, be sure to get in touch with the creditor, as communication is the key. A Performance Bond guarantees the faithful performance of the contract and payment of materials and labor by the contractor to all subcontractors and material suppliers.
Until later,