Friday, May 11, 2007

Customer Service: Communicating about Problems With Products

At one time or another we have all face the task of calling a customer service department to complain about a defective product ranging from cell phones to washers and dryers. Before contacting customer service it is to determine what we want. Do we want the product fixed, replaced, or do we want our money back? We need to know in advance of the call whether a warranty exists, what the terms are, and if it is still valid.
When calling customer service about a problem with a product, consider the following:
1) Get the customer service representative's full name and ID number, if applicable.
2) Clearly state the problems you have had with the product.
3) Tell the customer service representative exactly what you would like done to resolve the issue.
4) Hopefully the matter will be resolved at this point. However, if a satisfactory solution has not been reached, you may talk to the customer service representative's supervisor. In many instances the customer service representative does not have the authority to resolve certain issues, but the supervisor does have such authority.
As always, keep a written record of the arrangement and reiterate it with the customer service representative at the end of the call.
Have a good weekend.

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