Monday, May 14, 2007

Using Credit

Credit only became a common financial instrument available to virtually anyone over the last thirty years. Before credit cards were made so widely available and marketed aggressively, applying for credit had a sense of seriousness to it which is lost in our current culture of debt. When my father started using credit, his intention was to consolidate purchases into one monthly bill and pay it at the end of each month. The thought of carrying a balance would have been appalling to him. Now we accept credit card balances and interest as a way of life. The barrage of credit card applications that students receive is unbelievable. It's possible that one reason many of them start early adulthood as indentured servants to the credit industry is that they were bombarded with credit card applications and applied for and received credit they were ill equipped to repay. Many of them started using credit without understanding how the credit agreements they signed even work. Over the next week, I'm going to write about how to make decisions regarding how to use credit, how to maintain and protect a good credit score, and how to get back on track if credit use is getting out of hand.
Until then,

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